Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Lovely Surprise

Tammy at Forever In First has shared this award with me.
This was such a nice way to end
one of the best weeks of the school year!

The rules:
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it to you. (gladly)
2. Pass the award onto 15 other lovely bloggers. 
(I am leaving for a dance convention, but will be back to finish later!!)
3. Follow the person who sent it to you. (She's in my sidebar!)

I'm passing the One Lovely Blog Award to these blogs.  
You'll find them lovely as well!
--I'm back!--
Daphne & Jennifer at Playing With Pixie Dust


  1. I just found your blog! I love that you get to share scripture with your kiddos! I just joined! Head on over to mine if you are interested.


  2. Chrissy,
    Sorry, I am so behind on email. Thank you for the lovely award. I am very honored. Do you teach in a Christian school? I teach in a Catholic school and love sharing faith with my students who are of all religious backgrounds.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings


Thanks for being part of my story!